The eagerly anticipated A People’s History of Heaven by Mathangi Subramanian centers on a circle of friends in a Bangalore slum known as Heaven. Together they wage war on the bulldozers that would bury their homes and the city that does not care. A politically driven graffiti artist. A transgender Christian convert. A blind girl who loves to dance. A queer daughter of a hijabi union leader. “This is a book to give your little sister, your mother, your best friend, yourself, so together you can celebrate the strength of women and girls, the tenacity it takes to survive in a world that would rather have you disappear.” ─Nylon We have 10 copies of A People’s History of Heaven by Mathangi Subramanian to give away to 10 Riot readers! Just complete the form below to enter. This sweepstakes is open to residents of the United States (excluding Puerto Rico and all other US territories) and entries will be accepted until 11:44:59 pm, March 29, 2019. Winner will be randomly selected. Complete rules and eligibility requirements available here. Oops! We could not locate your form.

Weekend Giveaway  A PEOPLE S HISTORY OF HEAVEN by Mathangi Subramanian - 61