“Because I’m a planner, I took about a week soliciting ideas for organization. I asked friends how they organized their books and even reached out to some experts. Jenna Noll of @jennareadsbooks has me beat at an estimated 450 books in her apartment, which she organizes by category (genre-ish) and then alphabetically by author. She does not mix unread and read, and of her read books, she only keeps those that she absolutely loved.” I should probably do this, but… “Podcasts are keeping people company while they do other tasks, and many podcasters have responded to listeners’ increased time at home by producing more content. Some shows are updating at an increased clip, releasing bonus episodes alongside their regular output; some hosts are branching out from their usual podcast mode. There are also more “pop-up podcasts” that serve as short, easily digestible miniseries. Recommendation lists abound online for podcasts that “make you smarter,” individual episodes to keep you distracted, and even shows that, perhaps, will keep you from feeling emptiness and solitude during social distancing.” When you love a nonfic podcast but need to sleep at night. “April is National Poetry Month, and this year it’s taking on some new resonance, with most of the world stuck indoors, anxious for the future and antsy about the present. Poems can be a lot of things — educational, profound, confounding, funny — but some of our favorites, the ones we return to again and again, are pieces that bring relief and solace.” I know April feels like Freak About About the Pandemic Month, but it’s also this. Yay joy!

Use This Time to Organize Your Books  I Guess  Critical Linking  April 12 2020 - 2