You think that perhaps you should carry on with your errands — those flowers won’t arrange themselves, and you have nearly a dozen brown-paper parcels to pick up all around town — but the birds, who, just a moment ago were singing you on your way, have fallen silent.  Maybe you should just stop in for a bracing cup of coffee. Besides, your local is the best place to hear any new gossip. But when you enter, the normally chatty barista has no beans to spill, and the other patrons offer nothing but whispers.  The bookstore. Regina, the bookseller, is always up for a long chat about local events and politics. Surely, she’ll explain the change that has come over the town. But when you open the door, the cheerful bell rings, but there’s no bookseller to be found. Instead, you see only a fleeing shadow and a body on the ground.  You, my friend, have stumbled upon a mystery.  Surely, you’ve prepared for this? You can whip open your carpet bag and pull out exactly the item you need. Perhaps a camera to photograph the crime scene? Or a notebook to take down your observations? No? Nothing? What’s that? A phone? Sure, if you want to call someone else to take care of this. Listen, if you’re planning a life of amateur sleuthing, you’re going to have to be prepared.  Of course, you’re going to need a flashlight. A nice heavy one can do double duty — yes, obviously that is what I mean. And no, I don’t want to hear another word about your phone. Notoriously shoddy batteries and no reception in caves. Of course, you can use whatever bag you think is handy, but please, pack some kind of bag. A backpack is fine. Just, please, no — how did you put it? “Apple Pay and vibes?” Be sensible. Of course, you won’t have time for any of that now. You’re the only one in this bookstore besides the body. Poor Regina. I, of course, will be gone before anyone arrives. I hope you take some of my advice to heart! You seem sharp and I think you might have a future in this. Pity I’ll need to use my flashlight here in broad daylight, but now you know what being prepared means. Sleep well!

So You re Stuck in a Cozy Mystery  A Survival Kit - 77So You re Stuck in a Cozy Mystery  A Survival Kit - 25So You re Stuck in a Cozy Mystery  A Survival Kit - 33So You re Stuck in a Cozy Mystery  A Survival Kit - 5So You re Stuck in a Cozy Mystery  A Survival Kit - 19So You re Stuck in a Cozy Mystery  A Survival Kit - 92So You re Stuck in a Cozy Mystery  A Survival Kit - 13So You re Stuck in a Cozy Mystery  A Survival Kit - 44