That’s right. You can borrow manga on Kindle Unlimited! I have a few caveats, however. Availability varies. Some series are available in their entirety while some only offer the first few volumes. The latter option isn’t as great as being able to marathon an entire series, but it’s a good way to sample a title and decide whether you want to buy the rest. It can be a little tricky to navigate the world of Kindle Unlimited manga, though, so here some recommendations to get you started.

Completed Kindle Unlimited Manga

Kindle Unlimited Manga Samples

As previously mentioned, some manga series aren’t available in their entirety on Kindle Unlimited. But by trying out the first few volumes that are included, you can determine whether a series deserves your hard-earned money.

Serialized Manga Available on Kindle Unlimited

Hopefully, that’s enough to get you started on the many Kindle Unlimited manga series available. If you’d like to explore more manga series, Kindle Unlimited or not, here’s a big list of recommendations.

A Closer Look at Kindle Unlimited Manga   Some Recommendations - 32A Closer Look at Kindle Unlimited Manga   Some Recommendations - 96A Closer Look at Kindle Unlimited Manga   Some Recommendations - 32A Closer Look at Kindle Unlimited Manga   Some Recommendations - 75A Closer Look at Kindle Unlimited Manga   Some Recommendations - 80A Closer Look at Kindle Unlimited Manga   Some Recommendations - 31A Closer Look at Kindle Unlimited Manga   Some Recommendations - 37A Closer Look at Kindle Unlimited Manga   Some Recommendations - 97A Closer Look at Kindle Unlimited Manga   Some Recommendations - 1A Closer Look at Kindle Unlimited Manga   Some Recommendations - 38A Closer Look at Kindle Unlimited Manga   Some Recommendations - 70A Closer Look at Kindle Unlimited Manga   Some Recommendations - 39A Closer Look at Kindle Unlimited Manga   Some Recommendations - 31A Closer Look at Kindle Unlimited Manga   Some Recommendations - 12A Closer Look at Kindle Unlimited Manga   Some Recommendations - 50A Closer Look at Kindle Unlimited Manga   Some Recommendations - 94A Closer Look at Kindle Unlimited Manga   Some Recommendations - 10A Closer Look at Kindle Unlimited Manga   Some Recommendations - 68A Closer Look at Kindle Unlimited Manga   Some Recommendations - 34A Closer Look at Kindle Unlimited Manga   Some Recommendations - 67A Closer Look at Kindle Unlimited Manga   Some Recommendations - 8A Closer Look at Kindle Unlimited Manga   Some Recommendations - 71A Closer Look at Kindle Unlimited Manga   Some Recommendations - 26A Closer Look at Kindle Unlimited Manga   Some Recommendations - 26A Closer Look at Kindle Unlimited Manga   Some Recommendations - 88A Closer Look at Kindle Unlimited Manga   Some Recommendations - 39A Closer Look at Kindle Unlimited Manga   Some Recommendations - 88A Closer Look at Kindle Unlimited Manga   Some Recommendations - 12A Closer Look at Kindle Unlimited Manga   Some Recommendations - 46