According to the Statista Research Department, the top resolutions include living healthier, self-improvement, achieving career and financial goals, improving relationships, traveling more, and breaking bad habits. But yours can be as simple or as complex as you like! Drinking more water, giving compliments to strangers, standing more, finding a hobby, it’s all on the table for the long and wild and wonderful year ahead. Whichever type of resolution-maker you are, there are books a plenty to help you along the way. Books that aren’t only for the practical step-by-steps, but also inspiration to turn to when things get hard. Here are ten books for some of the more common resolutions to get you started!

Improve Your Health

Improving your health can mean a lot of things: eating more green things, getting into running, establishing a better sleep schedule, stressing less, and so much more!

Build Better Relationships

Building relationships, whether in dating, in friendship, or in family, can be hard.

Learn a New Hobby / Find Your Passion

Hobbies are great for your mental health, work-life balance, and happiness in general. If you’re looking to pick up a new one, check these books out!

Reduce Screen Time

I can’t be the only one who spends way too much time on my phone. If you’re looking to reduce screen time or just build healthier habits when it comes to your phone, start here! Best of luck with your resolutions this year! If you’re looking for more self-improvement books to start the new year, try these best self-love books or these personal growth books!

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